суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.

The archaeological complex Old Orhei

Entering to the archaeological complex Old Orhei you can’t feel where is the limit with the present civilization because of the shock of the first contact with the world of fairy tale carved in stone that suddenly appears in front. Set in a landscape composition of which is strikingly contrasting with the usual general geographic morphology of Bessarabia, Old Orhei is a place with overwhelming surprises. Nobody can not be able to explain the fantastic assembling of unique diversity and thrilling harmony of the Basarabean landscape. It is a beautiful work of art in which the overflowing generosity of nature is supplemented by the human impact.
 The archaeological complex is located in the valley Orhei Raut, a right tributary of the river Nistru. In the archaeological complex of Orhei delineates some monumental stone buildings, which is of a particular interest, both from the scientific point of view, but also in terms of museography. The oldest building at Old Orhei is the fortified fortress on the promontory Butuceni. The northern part of the territory, the high, is rocky and rises above the predicted water Raut. Other places that should be visited at the complex Old Orhei are: the Getic and the medieval city, the old churches, the woods of Old Orhei, the stone monasteries.
The archaeological complex area is extraordinarily small for the large number of natural and architectural monuments of history and legend which it meets. Each of these monuments came from another time, has its own story and its own scenery. Each monument, seen in different seasons, changes its appearance, offering a different picture every time. And all together, assembled in a strict harmony form the wonder of Old Orhei, which is actually a challenge from nature and historical destiny of these places to the human ability to play with words and spiritual impressions visually.

The Quality Wine Complex "Milestii Mici"

Moldova is a country with deep roots in the winemaking tradition; wine is produced in every courtyard and by the quality of the wine a person is known and appreciated. The old people say that the better the wine is, the better the opinion about the householder who prepared it is.
 The Quality Wine Complex “Milestii Mici” was found in 1969 as a mini-complex for storing, preserving and maturing high quality wines. During the years the enterprise changed its name and its status several times. The history of founding the Quality Wines Industrial Complex “Milestii Mici” is harmoniously connected with three fundamental components: outstanding winemaking materials for the production of high quality wines, excellent oak barrels for their endurance and ideal conditions for giving the wines noble and precious qualities. Milestii Mici village is one of the most ancient Moldavian villages, mentioned in ancient books and chronicle.
 At the moment it is a state enterprise specialized in the production, storage and sales of alcoholic drinks. Their qualities strike with their wise perfection, which beneficially reflects the image of Moldavian wines as a whole. The production potential of the enterprise is being improved day by day. Yearly the specialists of the enterprise select the best Moldavian wines and work with them, increasing their qualities and properties.IS CVC „Milestii Mici” has the biggest wine collection in the world – the „Golden Collection” Milestii Mici, which contains over 1, 5 million bottles of wine.

The Wine Complex "Cricova"

The Wine Complex „Cricova” is a situated in Riscani sector, located 11 km from Chisinau. Due to natural galleries of over 120 km, mostly used for storing wine, Cricova is one of the biggest attractions in Moldova. Cricova city is also called yhe city of sun splashes. During its history Cricova proved to be a perspective city. The Wine Complex „Cricova” is famous for its unique underground labyrinths and in particular for its excellent wines. It was founded in 1952. It was in this year when Cricova, was transformed into a huge production and wine storage.
 Designed as a producer of wines in the elite of European classical technologies, integrated Cricova used as background for further work conditions to prosper its original galleries, which extend over a length of more than 60 km - with labyrinths of an unique microclimate. Here, during the whole year, temperature remains constant - about 12 ° - 14 ° C, while humidity is about 97-98%. Namely due to these natural conditions is best possible storage and aging of high quality, as well as classic sparkling with genuine character of their formation. Cricova is one of the few companies in the world producing sparkling wines in accordance with the classical French method, invented by the famous monk Dom Pierre Perignon - "Méthode Champenoise".
Cellars of Cricova shelter also a remarkable collection of wines - National Oenotec. Unique exhibits, such as the "Jerusalem of Easter", liquor "Ian Beher along with another 158 brands of Burgundy, Moselle, Tokaji, Rhein form a grand pride for Republic of Moldova. Cricova’s wines already won more than 80 Grand Prix, gold and silver. Representing a unique underground complex, Cricova is an enterprise with a huge production potential, being declared "object of national cultural heritage" and decorated with the highest state award - the Order of the Republic, as a sign of recognition of the Cricova’s contribution to the the national economy and efforts to develop branch remarkable wine from Moldova.

Capriana Monastery

The Capriana monastery and its surrounding village - some other beads in the Moldovan historical monuments chain, are situated in the immensity of green forests of the picturesque Codri region.
 The Capriana Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Moldova. In the first decades after the founding of the Moldova Country, in 1359, historical documents prove the existence of a monastery dedicated to the "Assumption of the Virgin" in the secular Lapusna forests.
 This seat is found a century later, with the name of the Cyprian's Monastery or the Capriana Monastery.
 It would become the Royal Monastery in 1429, when Alexander the Good, marrying the daughter of one of the monastery's local founders, disposed, by royal decree, the new status and privileges of the monastery.
 Stephen the Great linked his name with the monastery by raising here a stone church dedicated to the "Assumption of the Virgin".
 The first half of the XVII century was a hard time for the monastery, falling into ruin. The monastery's poor condition determined Petru Rares, in his second reign, to rebuild it between 1542 and 1545.
 Over the decades, the Capriana monastery suffered several natural disasters (earthquakes, fires), but it revived every time, as a Fenix bird from the ashes. This was due to the many rulers of the country, who were among the founders of the monastery.
In February and April 2003, there was organized a fundraising radio-telemarafon for the monastery's reconstruction.
 Presently, the monastery is brilliant again and has opened doors for everyone willing to visit it. You can see three churches, a two floors house and monks' cells within the monastery.

 Also, there are some other interesting things to see close to the monastery: the "Capriana-Scoreni" landscape reserve, the Stephen the Great's Oak, the "Rachula" Monastery and the "Cojushna" wine factory.